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      1. Relay protection class

        Automation of power plant


        YXSL-225C digital line protection and control device
        Scope of application
        YXSL-225C digital line protection and control device and the YXSL-22X digital line protection and control device is similar in function, in order to apply the tie line protection.
        Protection function
        A) three low voltage blocking direction overcurrent protection;
        B) two low frequency separation function;
        C) two stage low pressure separation function;
        D) the zero sequence current protection function.
        The main function parameters
        Quick break protection, delay quick break protection, over-current protection, zero sequence current protection
        A) action value:
        Tuning range of 0.4In ~ 10In; (zero sequence current of 0 ~ 5A)
        The grading error 0.01A
        Accuracy consistent action value not greater than action value of 3%; the average error is less than ± 3%
        B) action time:
        Setting range 0.01 ~ 9.99s
        The grading error 0.01s
        Action time accuracy in the action current of 2 times the measured action time, consistency is not greater than 20ms, the average error is less than ± 20ms action time
        Alternating direction function
        The sensitive angle -30 °, the average error is less than ± 5 °, consistency is not greater than 5 deg.
        Action 160 degrees, the average error is less than ± 5 °
        The minimum action power line voltage is 0.5V, the maximum angular sensitivity test is not more than 0.5VA
        Low voltage blocking function
        Tuning range of 5V~100V, the grading 1V, error is less than ± 3%
        Low frequency separation function
        Low frequency a):
        Tuning range: 46 HZ ~50 Hz
        The grade difference: 0.01 Hz
        Action value accuracy: consistency is not greater than action value of 3%, the average error is less than ± 3%
        B) no flow blocking low cycle:
        Tuning range: 0.1In~10 In
        The grade difference: 0.01A
        Action value accuracy: consistency is not greater than action value of 3%, the average error is less than ± 3%
        C) and low frequency separation action time:
        Setting time: 0.1 ~ 9.99s
        The grade difference: 0.01s
        Action: the accuracy of time consistency is not more than 20ms, the average error is less than ± 20ms action time
        Under voltage protection function
        A low voltage value):
        Tuning range: 5V~100V
        The grade difference: 1V
        Action value accuracy: consistency is not greater than action value of 3%, the average error is less than ± 3%
        B) no flow blocking voltage
        Tuning range: 0.1In~10 In
        The grade difference: 0.01A
        Action value accuracy: consistency is not greater than action value of 3%, the average error is less than ± 3%
        C) low-voltage disconnection time of action
        Setting time: 0.1 ~ 9.99s
        The grade difference: 0.01s
        Action: the accuracy of time consistency is not more than 20ms, the average error is less than ± 20ms action time
        Zero sequence protection
        A) action value:
        Tuning range of 0.02A ~ 5A;
        The grading error 0.01A
        Accuracy consistent action value not greater than action value of 3%; the average error is less than ± 3%
        B) action time:
        Setting range 0.01 ~ 9.99s
        The grading error 0.01s
        Action time accuracy in the action current of 2 times the measured action time, consistency is not greater than 20ms, the average error is less than ± 20ms action time
        C) zero sequence direction:
        90 ° connection mode
        The sensitive angle +90 °
        Action 160 degrees, the average error is less than ± 5 °
        The minimum action power line voltage is 0.5V, the maximum angular sensitivity test is not more than 0.5VA
        Telemetry accuracy
        Level 0.5
        Remote signal resolution
        Not more than 2ms

        YXSR-221 digital single channel measurement and control device
        Scope of application
        YXSR-221/2 digital single control device as a sub system of substation integrated automation, telemetry, remote control and the main function.
        Main function
        Telemetry functions: measuring the current from measurements of CT, test to take a bus voltage, a variable voltage, two DC quantity, a line current and active power, no power, frequency and power factor.
        Remote functions: device of digital signal and circuit breaker, energy storage, isolation switch, remote / local position signal uploaded to the substation layer.
        The remote control function: with 5 output contact.
        Electric energy acquisition function: with pulse electric energy acquisition function, can acquire four channel pulse.
        Bus PT disconnection, insulation line monitoring and control loop detection function.
        By the field bus technology and integrated automation system communication, execution down order, upload data.
        YXGB-212 digital generator loss of excitation protection device
        Scope of application
        YXGB-212 series of digital generator excitation protection device with digital signal processor (DSP) as the core device, modular design, and generator differential protection, generator protection, operation boxes together constitute the protection system of generator complete; for, small generator set protection.
        Protection function
        A) generator loss of field protection;
        B) rotor one point and two-point grounding protection;
        C) PT break detection;
        D) remote functions: the switch signal and a device of digital signal are uploaded to the substation layer.
        The main function of the data
        Impedance value range
        The impedance of ZA tuning range of 0 ~ 0 -1;
        The impedance of ZB tuning range of -5 ~ -80;
        The measured impedance circle radius of allowable error of ± 5% and ± 0.15;
        Tuning range of 0.1s ~ 40s action time;
        Action time accurate incentive quantity to make the radius at the setting value of 0.9 times the time error of less than ± 40ms;
        The excitation voltage tuning range of 20V~ 300V, the setting of the voltage value of the allowable error of ± 5%;
        Tuning range of 2V ~ negative sequence voltage 100V, the voltage setting value of allowable error of ± 5%.
        Criterion for loss of excitation protection of excitation current
        Tuning range of 20A~100A excitation current, (corresponding to an external input DC 0.4V ~2V or 4mA~20mA DC);
        Current setting value of allowable error of ± 5%;
        Time setting range: 0.1S ~ 40s;
        Action time accuracy: applied 0.9 times the setting value measured average error less than ± 45ms action.
        Criterion for loss of excitation protection of the excitation voltage
        The range of the excitation voltage 20V~300V;
        Voltage setting value of allowable error of ± 5%;
        Time setting range: 0 ~ 40s.1S;
        Action time accuracy: applied 0.9 times the setting value measured average error less than ± 45ms action.
        Rotor grounding protection
        A) rotor one point grounding protection
        Grounding resistance tuning range: 1.00kW ~ 50.00kW;
        Action value accuracy: the average error is less than ± 5%;
        Time setting range: 1 ~ 40s;
        Action time accuracy: the average error less than ± 0.5S action.
        Two B) rotor grounding protection
        The two harmonic voltage setting value: 1 ~ 10V;
        Action value accuracy: 3V above the average error is less than ± 5%; 3V below the average error is less than ± 0.15V;
        Time setting range: 0 ~ 40s;
        Action time accuracy: applied 2 times more than the setting value of the measured average error less than ± 35ms action.

        YXGP-211 digital generator differential protection device
        Scope of application
        YXGP-211 digital generator differential protection device based on digital signal processor (DSP) as the core device, modular design, and backup protection, generator excitation loss and rotor grounding protection, operation boxes together constitute a complete protection system generator; generator protection applies, in small type.
        Protection function
        A) differential type quick break protection;
        B) proportional brake longitudinal differential protection;
        C) stator overvoltage protection;
        D) the zero sequence fundamental voltage;
        E) three harmonic voltage of stator ground fault;
        F) CT disconnection detection and differential current over limit alarm functions: real-time detection of CT break, but locking differential protection, and when the current mutation but differential current is large alarm;
        The main function parameters
        Differential relay protection
        Tuning range: 1 ~ 50A;
        Action value accuracy: the average error is less than ± 3%;
        Motion accuracy of time: in the current 2 times measured under operating time is not more than 25ms.
        Differential protection
        Tuning range: 1 ~ 50A;
        Action value accuracy: the average error is less than ± 3%;
        Motion accuracy of time: in the current 2 times measured under operating time is not more than 30ms;
        Proportional brake: proportion of braking coefficient of 0.10 ~ 0.70 proportional brake fixed value 1 ~ 50A.
        Stator overvoltage protection
        The stator voltage setting value
        Tuning range of 5V ~ 150V;
        Action value accuracy: the average error is less than ± 2.5%.
        The stator voltage action time
        Tuning range of 0.1s ~ 9.99s;
        The average error of motion accuracy of time operation time is less than ± 35ms.
        The zero sequence fundamental voltage stator grounding
        The zero sequence fundamental voltage setting value a)
        Tuning range of 1.0V ~ 120V;
        The accuracy of the average error less than ± 3% action value.
        B) the zero sequence fundamental voltage action time
        Tuning range of 0.1s ~ 9.99s;
        Action time accuracy in the action current of 2 times the average operation time of measured error less than ± 35ms.
        The three harmonic zero sequence voltage stator grounding
        Harmonic voltage ratio (a) of U3/ neutral U3 K= end)
        Tuning range of 0.1 ~ 2;
        The accuracy of the average error less than ± 3% action value.
        B) three harmonic zero sequence voltage stator ground motion time
        Tuning range of 0.1s ~ 9.99s;
        Action time accuracy in the action current of 2 times the average operation time of measured error less than ± 35ms

        YXGB-211 digital backup protection device of generator
        Scope of application
        YXGB-211 digital backup generator device adopts digital signal processor (DSP) as the core device, modular design; and the generator differential protection for generator, loss of excitation and rotor grounding protection, operation boxes together constitute a complete protection system generator; generator protection applies, in small type.
        Protection function
        A) three compound voltage lockout overcurrent protection;
        B) positive sequence current inverse time protection;
        A) negative sequence overcurrent protection of inverse time;
        B) the unit transverse differential protection / stator ground protection;
        C) reverse power protection;
        D) low voltage protection;
        E) low frequency protection;
        F) over frequency protection;
        The stator ground protection (g) criteria for zero sequence voltage terminal);
        H) stator overload protection;
        I) PT end breaking protection;
        The main function parameters
        The three section compound voltage lockout over current protection
        Current setting range: 1 ~ 99.99A;
        Low voltage blocking: tuning range of 5~100V;
        The negative sequence voltage blocking: tuning range of 5~100V;
        Action value accuracy: consistency is not greater than action value of 3%; the average error is less than ± 3%;
        Time setting range: 0 ~ 12.00s;
        Action time accuracy: the average error less than ± 35ms action;
        Phase function of direction sensitive angle: -30 degrees, the average error is less than ± 5 °, consistency is not greater than 5 deg.
        Action: 160 degrees, the average error is less than ± 5 °.
        The positive sequence inverse time protection
        Current setting range: 1 ~ 99.99A;
        Time constant range: 0.1 ~ 50s;
        Inverse time:
        (maximum inverse time: 120.00s)
        A: generator allows the overheat constant
        I1 for multiple generator positive sequence current of positive sequence current setting value
        (I1 = measured positive sequence current value / positive sequence current setting value)
        K is the coefficient of heat transfer (0.01 ~ 3), recommended K=1.
        Action time accuracy: the average error action time is not more than 5% of the computation time (more than 1s)
        The average error action time is not more than 50ms (computational time is less than 1s).
        The negative sequence overcurrent protection of inverse time
        Negative sequence current setting range: 1 ~ 99.99A;
        Time constant range: 0.1 ~ 50s;
        Inverse time:
        (maximum inverse time: 120.00s)
        Of which: constant A for rotor surface under the negative sequence current capacity (0.1 ~ 50s)
        I2 is the ratio of generator negative sequence current of negative sequence current setting value
        K is the coefficient of heat transfer (0.1 ~ 3)
        Inverse time accuracy: the average error action time is not more than 5% of the computation time (more than 1s)
        The average error action time is not more than 50ms (computational time is less than 1s).
        The unit transverse differential protection / stator ground protection
        Current setting range: 1 ~ 99.99A;
        Time setting range: 0 ~ 120.00s;
        Action value accuracy: consistency is not greater than action value of 3%; the average error is less than ± 3%;
        Action time accuracy: the average error less than ± 35ms action.
        Reverse power protection
        Action: between +90 DEG and -90 DEG interval of not less than 170 °, action;
        Time setting range: 1 ~ 120.00s;
        Current action: applying the U=UN, the most sensitive when the action current of not more than 50mA;
        Action time accuracy: the average error less than ± 35ms action;
        Creep test:
        Current: U=0, I=10IN, creeping no misoperation of voltage: U=UN, I=0, creeping no misoperation.
        Low voltage protection
        The setting of the voltage range: 5~100V;
        Time setting range: 0 ~ 120.00s;
        Action value accuracy: consistency is not greater than action value of 3%; the average error is less than ± 3%;
        Action time accuracy: the average error less than ± 35ms action.
        Low frequency protection
        Low frequency tuning range: 45~50Hz;
        Time setting range: 0.1S~ 120.00s;
        Action value accuracy: consistency is not greater than action value of 3%; the average error is less than ± 3%;
        Action time accuracy: the average error less than ± 35mS action.
        Over frequency protection
        The frequency tuning range: 50~55Hz;
        Time setting range: 0.1 ~ 120.00s;
        Action value accuracy: consistency is not greater than action value of 3%; the average error is less than ± 3%;
        Action time accuracy: the average error less than ± 35ms action.
        The stator ground fault protection (criterion for zero sequence voltage terminal)
        The setting of the voltage range: 5~100V;
        Time setting range: 0.1 ~ 120.00s;
        Action value accuracy: consistency is not greater than action value of 3%; the average error is less than ± 3%;
        Action time accuracy: the average error less than ± 35ms action.
        Stator overload protection
        Current setting range: 0.2In ~ 99.99A;
        Time setting range: 0 ~ 120.00s;
        Action value accuracy: consistency is not greater than action value of 3%; the average error is less than ± 3%;
        Action time accuracy: the average error less than ± 35ms action.
        The terminal PT disconnection
        Device can judge the PT break and three-phase voltage unbalance.
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