1. <th id="p2utc"></th>
      1. Electricity metering class

        A table card charging management system


        Function introduction
        TECH201 type TM card intelligent power management system is the electric metering prepaid management system with application of the development in rural irrigation and small and medium power users to our company for urban and rural public power facilities. The system is integrated into the advanced TM in the world in the new and high technology based single chip, computer and automatic control on the mature (TOUCH MEMORY) technology of high-tech products, successfully resolved the irrigation in rural areas and small and medium power user electric energy management inconvenience, charge, and serious waste problem, for electric system management control means safer, more reliable, more convenient.
        System structure
        ● TECH201 TM card with the electric control device of intelligent (see page second)
        ● TECH201 village ticket issuing device (see page third)
        ● TECH201 intelligent power management system software (see page fourth)
        Product features
        ● convenient management, electric power department of only a few to a management card and matching measurement software can be integrated management of the entire city and county control.
        ● convenient use, users only need to put the TM card can be short contact card complete transmission power operation.
        ● with village ticket issuing device, is a kind of convenient for villagers, hairpin device with low cost, high reliability, easy operation.
        ● with digital display the remaining power, automatic control, pseudo card recognition function, easy to use, stable performance, high reliability.
        The use of patent technology iButton information button USA Dallas company as the control card, has high and low temperature resistance, waterproof, corrosion resistance, friction resistance, antistatic, anti impact performance.
        Product use
        The products are mainly applied in rural irrigation, can also be used for other small and medium power user. The overall performance and reliability in the domestic leading level, the first supporting facilities for the transformation of the rural power grid.
        Main technical parameters
        ● rated voltage: AC380V
        ● operating temperature: -45 ℃ ~+85 ℃
        The relative humidity: 0~95% (not condensed)
        The dielectric strength: 2000V
        Function introduction
        ◇ control device power-off protection function
        When a sudden power outage users are using electric process, electrical control of the remaining power device will automatically save the current user's smart, when the grid again after power, can continue to use.
        ◇ power-off protection function
        In the user of electricity in the process, the three-phase in any phase appeared no voltage (or low voltage), intelligent power control device will automatically cut off the power, the motor phase failure protection, effective protection of the motor.
        ◇ meter without pulse protection function
        When the intelligent electric control device after a period of time (the time can be set) not detected meter output pulse (meter abnormal damage), the power supply is automatically cut off, and the remaining power into EEPROM to save, as much as possible to reduce the loss caused by the abnormal damage.
        ◇ password protection function
        This system uses the patent technology iButton information button USA Dallas company as the control card, the card itself has a 8 byte code verification area, only the correct password to the card read and write operations, and the use of the card can not be imitated globally unique 64 bit serial code to achieve the internal data encryption, to eliminate the possibility of card copy.
        ◇ group management functions
        Administration departments may, according to the actual situation of the village as a group, the user card and related management card can only be used within this group, not in the other groups, such as the emergence of artificial malicious damage, will not cause losses to the other group, the possible losses to a minimum.

        Product features
        The main features of the product is the patent technology of iButton information button USA Dallas company as the control card, iButton information button is the microcomputer chip is packaged in a flat circular stainless steel enclosure, with two-way communication function, data transmission using a single bus protocol unique, information button with the reader information need brief exposure to complete, in addition, each TM card is the one and only the registration number, in the generation process by laser permanently marked on the ROM, unable to copy.
        Comparison of magnetic card, IC card, RF TM card with the current popular:

        Storage capacity
        Read and write speed
        The failure rate
        Maintenance costs
        Service life
        Magnetic card
        The general
        The general
        2000 times
        IC card
        The general
        The general
        The general
        4000 times
        CPUIC card
        The general
        The general
        4000 times
        RF card
        100000 times
        TM card

        Function introduction
        TECH201 type village ticket issuing device is my company for a development north of our country issuing device composed of single-chip computer, printer etc.. It is the management device can realize the collection, payment card, report the loss and other functions.
        And the electric power department can set the village on sale card sales, when the village selling hairpin is sold out the battery, and the power sector to recharge, otherwise can not continue to use; the ticket issuing device with built-in large capacity memory, can store all the payment records, and through the main control card issuing device on the communication interface upload to the computer and the power sector. Through the above two points, the ticket issuing device also realized the power department of the unified management of rural power using irrigation.
        In addition, compared with the common payment point is composed of computer and universal printer, has the following advantages:
        ◇ realized every village a fee, the villagers not to distant journey to pay little pay, received generally welcomed the villagers.
        Compared with traditional computer with the universal printer model, greatly saves the customer investment.
        ◇ the ticket issuing device is composed of a single chip computer, dot matrix LCD, micro printer, high reliability.
        Adopt large LCD display and a full Chinese menu, easy management operation.
        ◇ in remote rural residents are not concentrated, more easy than ordinary fee.

        System interface

        Function introduction
        ◇ software development platform:
        Using the currently popular and software development of the powerful C++Builder5.0 development, stand-alone version of the database using Paradox7.0 database, the network version of the Microsoft SQL SERVER7.0 database.
        ◇ system interface
        Using WINDOWS interface, simple operation, easy to master.
        ◇ card operation:
        The reader can make the user card, the user card fees, cancellation of the user card and user card subsidy operations through the software and supporting TM card, convenient and simple operation. Can be made cards and electrician card proportion function card through the system, convenient management.
        ◇ query and report function:
        Through this system can make daily report and monthly report, convenient design staff; but also on the user card, card payment proportion and record query, use convenient staff.

          1. <th id="p2utc"></th>